Top Things to Do In Luanda

Top Things to Do In Luanda

Luanda is the capital of Angola. It is a port city on west coast of the Southern Africa. Luanda is divided into two parts and sits on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. One is Baixa de Luanda and another Cidade Alta. It is a fast-growing city in Southern Africa that is undergoing major reconstruction. The development projects popping up all over the city have attracted many Portuguese immigrants over the past few years.

Luanda’s booming business industry has made it quite a luxurious city to visit. Its new infrastructure attracts tourists. It’s very comfortable city for the tourists to visit. There are also adequate things to do in the city.

What are the Best things to do in Luanda?

  • Saint Michael Fortress

This Portuguese fortress was built in 1576 by Angola’s first Captain-Governor, Paulo Dias de Novais. It was once the administrative center of the country and, unfortunately, became a holding place for enslaved people being sent to Brazil. One of the most beautiful things about the fortress is the ornate wall tiles that tell the story of Angola’s history. It also displays plenty of other ancient relics.

  • The city’s contribution to slavery

Luanda’s history in the slave industry is not a pretty one, but those who want to learn more about it should head to this museum. It displays photos and lithographs telling the story on the walls. Angola was one of the largest slave traders along the west coast of Africa. The site where the museum sits is where enslaved people were baptized before being put on ships heading to the USA. Tap Air Portugal to manage your ticket booking.

  • Walk along the harbour.

Avenida 4 de Fevereiro, which is also known as Marginal, runs parallel to Luanda Bay and is an excellent place for a pleasant stroll. Not only does it boast incredible views of the sea and the boats coming in and out of the port, but it is also lined with some beautiful buildings, like the Banco de Angola.

  • Respect to the First President

António Agostinho Neto was Angola’s first president after its independence from Portugal. It takes around 20 minutes to tour the structure, where there are numerous photos of him with other political leaders around the world, including Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Honecker.

  • Go to Sé Catedral de Luanda church

The Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Saviour (Sé Catedral de Luanda) is a lovely church that was built in 1628. The church features three curved doors at the entrance, which are bordered by one more enormous curved façade. The cathedral was declared a building of Public Interest in 1949. Tap Portugal Air to book your ticket and enjoy your trip.

  • Wander around a palace.

The Palácio de Ferro is a magnificent palace that was built in city by world-renowned architect Gustave Eiffel. It is not as iconic as the builder’s other structures, but it is a stunning piece of architecture. It is a striking yellow building with fine wood details and decorative fencing. It has recently opened up as a diamond museum.

  • Mingle with wildlife

Quiçama National Park is the country’s only functioning national park. It sits around 70 kilometers from the city and makes for a popular safari day trip. The animal population in the garden is thanks to a Noah’s Ark-type operation where animals were transported here from Botswana and South Africa.


Luanda, the capital of Angola, is a city that tourists often overlook. However, it’s a destination filled with hidden gems that are worth exploring. From historic landmarks to beautiful beaches, there’s something for everyone in this vibrant city.


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